Who can apply?
STEA’s funding can be granted to incorporated non-profit corporations and foundations for their work that promotes health and social welfare and which are registered within the Register of Associations or the Register of Foundations. Non-profit limited companies and cooperatives may also be eligible.
Organisations receive grants for general or targeted activities, investments, development projects, introductory projects and other projects with a defined purpose.
The funding is not intended for use in statutory public services or business activities.
Neither is STEA’s funding granted to organisations for extensive activities involving an exchange of money that approaches a commercial activity, or for financing statutory public services.
STEA draws up a grant proposal annually. An assessment and grant division will be established under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The division will prepare grant proposals and the Ministry will decide on the allocation of grants in January-February. The decision proposal will then be submitted to the Ministerial Committee on Finance for approval.
Legislation on STEA grants
The following statutes (in Finnish) regulate the awarding of STEA grants.
- Lotteries Act (1047/2001)(you are being transferred to another service)
- The general prerequisites for granting funding are collected in the Act on Discretionary Government Transfers (Valtionavustuslaki, 688/2001(you are being transferred to another service)), within the framework of which STEA considers granting funding on a case-by-case basis when it prepares the funding proposal for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
- Government Decree on State grants to non-profit organisations and foundations for the promotion of health and social welfare (1552/2016)(you are being transferred to another service)
- Government Decree on the advisory board for social welfare and health organisations’ grant-related matters (1555/2016)(you are being transferred to another service)
Read more about STEA’s grants in Finnish or in Swedish.
Applying for the first time
Grants guide
Study STEA’s grant guide, which is published in stea.fi/aineistopankki (in Finnish) or in Materialbank (in Swedish).
Register your association on STEA’s e-service (asiointi.stea.fi).
Fill in the application using the instructions on the e-service and grants guide. If you need help, please contact STEA. Remember to send the application before the deadline.
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